Waiting rooms suck. While GoWrench is doing its very best to eliminate waiting rooms where it can - sometimes we find ourselves in a situation that requires us to sit - usually surrounded by awkward silence, - in a waiting room. Despite getting there at your scheduled appointment time, the wait seems endless. Here are 25 thoughts you have most definitely had while sitting in a waiting room.
Oh there aren't that many people here! (huzzah!)
This chair looks good - buffer chairs on each side (blech, people)
Let's see what social media has to tell me today.
Isn't it weird how everyone is one their phones?
Ok, with 5 people in the waiting room - this much time per person, that's how long I should be waiting. Not bad.
Just scrolling past the same statuses again but I have to look busy.
Is that person sleeping?
These people seem like they've bene here a long time
Is there like a separate holding space or something?
Ooooh a personality quiz!
Ok - that thing was definitely just random.
I am suddenly very hungry. How long would it take for me to grab food - will I miss my turn?
Oh! Things are moving. Surprisingly it was not sleeping guy who was here the longest.
I wonder if he can just go to sleep on command. Maybe he got here right before me....
I could probably be doing something more productive with this time.
What can I get done with my phone?
27 % , that should last right?
Maybe I should conserve by not using my phone so that the possibility of using my phone lasts longer....
Two more people ahead of me - I've got this.
Sleeping guy was not sleeping - he just didn't want to make eye contact - totally relatable.
I wonder how long it will take once it's my turn? If it takes 17 minutes I still have time to get to work.
What will it be like when my name is called? I don't want to seem too excited.
I'm next - the tension is palpable. These are the longest minutes of all.
Better back away my stuff so I am ready the moment it's my turn!
That's my name! It's my turn! I made it! ....now, walk calmly to the desk.
Maybe your waiting room experience is different than mine - but I have definitely had each one of these thoughts! Luckily for you (and probably sleeping guy) you no longer have to wait in a waiting room when it comes to regular car maintenance and repairs like oil changes, seasonal tire swaps, or even battery and brake replacements! Seems like a win to me.